Home battery prediction and automatic charging for Home Assistant supporting multiple inverters including:
- GivEnergy Hybrid, AC and AIO
- Solis
- Solax
- Sunsynk
- Huawei
- SolarEdge
- Fox
- Sofar
- LuxPower
- Solar Assistant
Also known by some as Batpred or Batman!
Copyright (c) Trefor Southwell April 2024 - All rights reserved
This software may be used at no cost for personal use only
No warranty is given, either expressed or implied
For support please raise a GitHub ticket or use the Facebook Group: Predbat and watch my YouTube Channel
Some inverters have their own groups e.g.:
If you want to buy me a beer then please use Paypal -
Once you are up and running you will get a chart that predicts your battery levels over time:
You can also see this in a plan format predicting your overall costs and your carbon footprint (if enabled, UK only for now):
You can see the cost over time for the plan that Predbat has made and also how it might turn out if your solar production (should you have solar) is lower than expected or if you use a bit more energy than planned (10% scenario):
You can see your energy rates over time and where the battery is being charged:
Power charts can show you how the prediction maps to your inverter:
You can model iBoost or similar solar diverters, this will be shown on your plan and you can even use it to trigger smart devices e.g. an emersion heater based on energy rates.
You can predict when your car will charge and use Predbat to schedule the cheapest car charging slots:
Charts can track your cost savings using Predbat and from having a PV and Battery system
The calibration chart is useful for tuning the model for things like inverter losses until it matches reality:
Predbat can track your actual vs predicted energy usage and make real-time adjustments to the predictions if you use more or less:
You can tune lots of parameters to match your system and needs:
You can also override the plan temporarily if you have a particular reason to:
Please read the documentation for more information!